I did lose my property to foreclosure when I was not able to sell the property for even the value of the loan (which was $125,000 less than what I bought if for). I, too, wonder how many others have lost their property to foreclosure after a title error? And to my knowledge the bank was not paid on their loss although I doubt they made a claim on the title insurance policy. But here is the email and the flyer. I am thinking I should send it to David Saag!!
Hello Ann,
I am still following your blog. Thank you for attempting to help people. So many citizens continue to be the victims of title insurance flaws on their property. I wonder how many people have lost their homes to foreclosure when the property they thought they owned had title errors? Do the banks get paid on their title insurance claims for foreclosed properties with bad titles? I wonder. Though this flyer I came across might be of some interest to you.
I am still following your blog. Thank you for attempting to help people. So many citizens continue to be the victims of title insurance flaws on their property. I wonder how many people have lost their homes to foreclosure when the property they thought they owned had title errors? Do the banks get paid on their title insurance claims for foreclosed properties with bad titles? I wonder. Though this flyer I came across might be of some interest to you.