Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Difference Between FNTG and FNTIC and FNTC again

Th mystery continues - at least I for one do not understand the difference between Fidelity National Title Group and Fidelity National Title Insurance Company and Fidelity National Title Company.  I thought the reason, for example, that Fidelity National Title Insurance Company denied that they employ escrow and title officers was because these individuals are employed by Fidelity National Title Company.  But then last night I noticed this:

And in it's Answer the attorney for Fidelity National Title Insurance Company wrote, "Defendant admits that its claim officer wrote a letter regarding payment of the claim".

So my new questions are as follows:

Why are escrow and title officers not employees of Fidelity National Title Insurance Company but it appears that the Claims Counsel is?

And even more importantly - why are claims not handled by Fidelity National Title Insurance Company????

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