Saturday, January 26, 2013

What does Fidelity National Title do when processing a claim??

Well I have presented a list of Fidelity National Title Employees who have worked in some way on this claim which includes approximately 25 individuals.  Of those the last four or so are attorneys who have been somehow involved in the lawsuit and I can definitely see that meetings between these attorneys would be protected from disclosure by the attorney-client privilege and/or work product doctrine.

But what about all of the other meeting that occurred starting with the research done by Craig Donner through the numerous Claims Counsels.  There is communication that at least implies that some meetings probably occurred.  

But then when I read this - it made me wonder.  Is the reason that all of the Claims Counsels seem to be attorneys so that when a lawsuit occurs Fidelity National Title can claim attorney-client privilege so that they can keep everything a secret.  And on the 'work product doctrine' are they preparing for a lawsuit from the minute a claim is opened.

I don't know.  Just wondering and trying to ascertain some meaning to their response.

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